Contents of diaper bag:
About 5 diapers for each boy (diapers take up a lot of space so I put them in a gallon size ziplock bag to keep them nice and flat)
An extra outfit for baby (I don't carry one for Eli these days)
Burp cloth(s)
Pacifiers (mine never liked them, but if they did, I would keep multiple in my bag!)
**special treat that Eli normally would not have (such as candy) for those emergency situations** (aka bribery!)
I nurse Miles, but with Eli, I would keep one of those containers where you can store the formula
If I know we are going to be out for awhile I will put in extra things for Eli that will keep him entertained. I always find it helpful to get everything ready as far in advance as possible, so you aren't rushed when it comes time to leave. Last week we went to the pool for a few hours with some friends and I made sure I had everything ready the night before. It was a lot of stuff to take and would have caused me to be late (which I hate) if I hadn't gotten everything organized ahead of time.
It sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. I hate having a heavy diaper bag (Miles is heavy enough) so I really try not to cram a lot in there. Only the necessities. When I see that I'm running low on something I will bring the bag inside, fill it back up, and take it back out to the car before I forget!
Obviously it takes more time to get out the door with a baby, but if you plan ahead of time, you can still get to places on time with no problem! It just takes a little organization!
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