Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Random thoughts on nursing

After publishing my last post on my experience with breast-feeding I kept remembering things that I wanted to say. Especially for you who will be starting to breast-feed in the coming months. So here are some random thoughts:

(1) Breast-feeding is hard, especially in the first few weeks.
(2) It is time consuming. YOU are the ONLY one who can feed your baby!
(3) Your chest might get as large as your head and engorged. Buy cabbage leaves or frozen peas to help with the pain.
(4) Drink LOTS and LOTS of water!!
(5) Ask for HELP. Attend breast-feeding classes before the baby is born and find a lactation consultant that you like. Do not feel stupid calling for help!! That is what they are there for. Seriously... even though you might feel ridiculous, it is important...so call!
(7) There will be times (usually around week 4-5) that you will be completely exhausted. You are waking up several times a night to feed your baby and sometimes they might go right back to sleep, and other times they might be wide awake. Since you are the only one that can feed your baby it is tiring and hard. There will be times where you feel as though you have done nothing else during the day but feed your baby.  This is NORMAL. It gets BETTER!!
(8) Formula fed babies do not sleep through the night any sooner than breast-fed babies. That is a MYTH.
(9) Do not believe when your Mother, Mother in-law, Grandmother, Aunt, etc tells you to feed your baby cereal to get them to sleep through the night. This is also a MYTH. (believe me.. I tried it with Miles!) :-)
(10) Breast milk is the best thing for your baby. Even if you do it for just 6 weeks. It is still better than not getting any at all!
(11) It is crucial during the first weeks to establish your supply. Breast-feeding will take you back to economic classes (if you had any.) Supply and demand. The more your baby eats, the more supply of milk your body will produce. Even if your baby might sleep longer than 5 hours straight in the first 2 weeks, do not let them! You need to establish your milk supply!!! After the first 2 weeks you don't have to worry as much, but if your baby is not eating much at night, then your supply is going to get low, and that is when problems can arise.
(12) Know what mastitis is and call your doctor immediately if you think you have it!
(14) Once your baby has a good latch, do not be afraid to use a pacifier!! THEY ARE WONDERFUL! Babies are born to suck. So while you might think they are still eating, they are actually just using you as a pacifier. I promise that your baby will not stop nursing if you give them one. It is OKAY!
(15) If you are getting discouraged in the early weeks call someone who knows how it feels. A sister, friend, cousin, etc... Call someone who has successfully breast fed their child and can be your support.
(16) I live in tank tops. I wear them under everything so that when I do nurse all I have to do is lift up my  shirt and I'm not showing off my untoned stomach to everyone around me. Buy the ones with built in bras because you'll need the support. Buy LOTS. I sleep in them as well.
(17) Avoid tight shirts or bras, especially underwire bras. Both of these can lead to mastitis. Believe me... you do not want mastitis!
(18) Find a good nursing bra! As I just mentioned, when I am home I will just wear a tank, but when I leave the house I will put on a nursing bra. I went to our local breast feeding store and tried tons on until I found one I loved. Most cities have a store dedicated just to nursing. I know both Louisville and Lexington have one. It is a GREAT resource!!
(20) Buy or rent a breast pump!!! You will USE it! A LOT!!
(21) It seems to be around the 6 week mark that things seem to get easier. You become more comfortable and feel a little more like you know what you're doing, and the baby knows what he/she is doing as well.  You develop a groove and everything seems to get easier.
(22) There will be times when you want to give up. Did I mention this? HANG IN THERE!! I promise you it gets easier!!! Just keep telling yourself that you are doing all of this hard work for your baby. You are providing natures best !
(23) Buy yourself a nursing cover. At first I just used a blanket to cover up when not at home, but Miles didn't really like it so I ended up buying a cover and LOVE it. I found one on sale on-line. This is where I found mine: http://www.bebeaulait.com/
(24) Breast-feeding is an incredible way to bond with your baby. Your baby will know you not only by your voice, face, and touch, but also by your smell. As soon as you are skin to skin, your baby knows exactly what is going to take place. They know they are with their mom.
(25) Breast-feeding does become enjoyable. Once you get through those first few weeks, you will begin to enjoy this time with your baby! Once he gets a few weeks older he/she will become more efficient and the sessions will not last nearly as long. It will be a time you cherish!
(26) Believe in yourself. Remember that you are not alone. Do not be afraid to ask for help so that you and your baby can get it down correctly!
(27) Try to relax! If you are nervous or stressed your baby senses that! In order for them to feel calm and relaxed, you need to be as well! If you're feeling stressed before a feeding, give the baby to your husband and do something for yourself for a few minutes and then try again when you feel more like yourself.
(28) Don't be so hard on yourself! NOBODY is perfect!! It is completely normal to feel stressed or like you just aren't good at the whole nursing thing. Give yourself a break!! Take a deep breath, you are doing great!

A great website for nursing moms:

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