Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What the heck do we register for??

If you’re like every new parent then the idea of registering for baby items can be overwhelming. Then you enter into the baby Mecca such as Babys R’ Us or BuyBuy Baby, and you become even more stressed out. Who knew there could be so many different car seats, strollers, cribs, etc? A new parent has to learn an entirely new language from boppy to bumbo to bjorn and so on. But the most important thing to remember is that you can survive without the latest gadgets. All a baby truly needs is food, sleep, and most importantly love! So, don’t let the process of registering stress you out! You will only get to register once so enjoy it! Ask someone who has experience to go with you for help and take your time. You can always add or take off items later!

Some important things to remember when registering:

  • I think it is a good idea to go to the store you are going to register at a few weeks before to take the shock off. (especially if you’ve never stepped foot in one before!)  Walk around and take your time looking at everything you might need. As I said, it is an overwhelming process!  For first time parents, registering can be too much…a brain overload! Going in beforehand will at least get you comfortable with the store and will allow you to process all of the possibilities.
  • While you are browsing, make note of items you like so that you can research them online before making the final selection. There are so many websites that do reviews and even stores such as Babys R Us have parents reviews, which I found to be the most helpful!  The cutest bath tub or jungle gym just might not be the best quality. Who knows better than other parents? 
  • Do your research, especially on car seats! Don’t pick the cheapest one to save money and don’t pick the most expensive, thinking it must be the best. Car seats will save your child’s life if in an accident so you want the BEST!
  • Unless you know 100% that this is going to be your only child, do not register for gender specific items. Especially for your large items such as car seat, stroller, pack n’ play, high chair, etc. The frilly, pink travel system might be the cutest thing you’ve ever seen for your soon to be princess, but your prince a few years later might think otherwise. These items are expensive and unless you have a lot of money and plan on buying them all over again, stick to gender neutral.
  • Make sure you have items on your list that are reasonably priced. Not everyone can afford a $50+ gift so put items that are $25 and under as well.
  • Don’t have the mindset that “this is too expensive and we’ll never get it.” If you have your heart set on a travel system, go ahead and register for it. A lot of times your work friends or mothers will go in together and purchase these larger items and if they don’t, you can always use gift cards you receive to purchase yourself.
  • Avoid adding a lot of clothes to your registry. Once the baby arrives you will receive an ABUNDANCE of clothes from friends and family.  Babies grow SO FAST that he or she won’t even be able to wear most of the outfits they have been given, especially if you have bigger babies. Both of my boys were good size babies and great eaters, so they outgrew the 0-3 months in no time!

I’ve had several friends lately ask what are my favorite baby items, so I thought I’d share:

(1) Travel System-Chicco Cortina 
This is the one I have used for both my boys and I LOVE it. It is rated #1 for safety and is very well made!  We registered for the one with the 22 lb weight limit. There is also one that goes up to 30 lbs, but truthfully, I can’t imagine carrying a baby around in the seat when he/she is 30 lbs! It gets heavy fast! Miles is 16 pounds right now and I already have a hard time lifting the seat up into the car! I suggest saving the extra money!  

(2)Video Monitor System
This is my most FAVORITE and used gift we received! Actually, we didn’t receive this gift, but I ended up using my gift cards we received at showers to purchase it. It has been a LIFE saver!  I cannot tell you how many trips it has saved me from going into the room and checking to see what was going on. Once you open their door and they see your face then you’re in trouble! If Eli or Miles are crying all I have to do is turn on the monitor and see what’s going on. Are they just transitioning into REM sleep? Have they flipped over?  Bad dream? Even if you have a 1 story house I still suggest a video monitor. It will give you peace of mind in those early days when you haven’t heard a peep and want to make sure they’re still alive! J Even now, with Eli being 2, we still use the monitor. Eli is quiet when he wakes up, so in the morning I can just turn on the monitor, and see if he is awake or still sleeping. When he cries out at night, I can see if he is standing up and fully awake, or still lying down and maybe is just dreaming.

This is the one we bought and I have not had any problems with it whatsoever. They have a newer one out since I’ve bought this, that has an even smaller handheld unit. (looks like a cell phone)

(3)Baby Carrier
We registered and received a Baby Bjorn and loved carrying Eli around in that, but any will do.. just make sure it has good back support. I know a lot of people buy the Ergo brand (sold at outdoor shops and online). It was nice when he was little to not have to take the stroller out or if I was cooking dinner or doing stuff around the house and he was fussy, I could put that on and he’d be as happy as can be, while you are still able to get things around the house finished.  With Miles, I purchased the Moby wrap due to rave reviews, but quite frankly, I found it frustrating and time consuming to put on. I actually had to skype with a friend to figure it out, but I know most people just LOVE theirs. I will say that it was much easier on the back than the baby bjorn we had with Eli.

(4) Baby Einstein Exersaucer
I can’t tell you how much time Eli spent in this. From the time he could hold his head up until he started crawling, he LOVED this. I loved this specific one too.  It is a must have!

(5)A baby swing (not a must have)
Eli loved his and Miles did not! I used it all the time with Eli as he would sleep in it and loved the swaying motion. Miles, had some tummy issues so sitting in the swing did not feel good on his stomach. This is the swing we have and never had any issues. Eli was in it all the time and we never had to change the batteries. 

(6) Pack N’ Play
We have an upstairs so I keep the pack n’play on the 1st floor so I don’t have to run up to their room every time I need to put the baby down or change his diaper. Also, after they grew out of the cradle that my dad made, I kept it by our bed. Eli slept in our room until he started sleeping through the night. Miles, on the other hand, was in his crib in his own room at 2 weeks. (the difference between first and second child)

(7) Bobby Pillow – a MUST HAVE for nursing!!

(8) Diaper Genie… good to take the smell out of the room, but again, not a must have! 

(9) Stool for the tub
I started using this once Eli started taking baths in the actual tub and use it all the time. It is so nice to have a place to sit and also to kneel on when washing his hair. 

(10) A good high chair!! Again, this was something I purchased myself and did not use until Eli was 6 months old or so. I love the one we got. It is a Peg Perego and I found it online very CHEAP!! Albeebaby.com has great deals on baby items and usually has free shipping. 

(11) Booster Seat
Okay.. this item we used ALL THE TIME!! I almost forgot to put it on here! This I just left in the car and would take to restaurants with us. I can’t begin to tell you how many people would come over and ask where we bought it at, because it kept Eli entertained and was so easy to just attach to a chair or put in the booth with us.

There are of course other items to add to your registry, these were just the top on ours. 

For any mom's who read this... what were some of your must-haves? 


  1. I agree about the Baby Einstein excer-saucer. Both of my kids loved theirs! Also, we love our video monitor but we got ours at Costco because it is a camera used for businesses! We had a hard time with the cost and quality of ones sold as "baby monitors" so my father in law found this one with 2 cameras sold for half the price. We LOVE this!! For nursing, I used the "breast friend" pillow and had so much luck with it especially since I had a c-section. One piece of advice for new moms- ask friends to either go with you to register or listen to friends about "favorites". Good luck!!

  2. I am expecting my second child and have several of the necessities but need recommendations on breast feeding pillows. I don't know if I have a long abdominal area but I always felt like I was hutching over and my back would always hurt. I had the Boppy pillow but would have to add an extra pillow underneath. Did anyone else have this problem?
