Friday, May 20, 2011

Teaching your baby to sleep

Do you enjoy sleeping 8+ hours every night? 

Do you enjoy waking up feeling rested?

Wouldn't it be nice to wake up to a happy and rested baby?

If you answered yes to these questions, then you need to buy the book Baby Wise TODAY! I am not one who turns to books for advice. In fact, this was the first and only "advice" type book I've ever owned. I remember being at a bible study while pregnant and doting on a 4 month old little boy. I asked his mom how he was doing at night, and she said to me "he usually sleeps 10-12 hours straight!" WHAT??

She then went on to tell me I need to buy the book Baby Wise. I was a bit skeptical on how a book can make my baby sleep so well, but it sounded very good to me, so I went for it. I think I paid about $8 for it on amazon. Here is the link:
It was the BEST $8 I've ever spent!! 

People always say to me "you're so lucky" when they hear how well both of my children sleep. I always just laugh it off, but truthfully, it's not luck people. It's HARD WORK! I trained both of my boys to be excellent sleepers. It was the best thing I did! 

Now, with every book, you have to take some things with a grain of salt. I did not follow the book word by word. However, I did use the basic principle and listened to its great advice. 

The books main idea is this: eat, play, sleep. Remember that!! EAT, PLAY, SLEEP!! 

The baby should always follow that pattern. When Miles wakes up he immediately eats. Then he has play time, and then he will sleep right up to his next feeding. This is important because if I fed him when he was sleepy, he would not get a full feeding, therefore only "snacking" and he would wake up during the night due to being hungry. Your baby needs to get all of his calories during the daytime, so he won't bother you at night. 

With Eli, he was the PERFECT baby! He has been a sleeper since day 1 and truthfully, required very little training. Other than the eat, play, sleep... he pretty much put himself on a schedule. 

Miles, on the other hand, was a different story. He had to be trained. It was hard work...exhausting, but I did it and now he is an excellent sleeper just like his brother! 

I will post later on how important sleep training is and setting a schedule, but just wanted to post a short summary on this book so that if you are expecting you can buy this book now before the baby arrives! 

I PROMISE you will thank me later!! 


  1. I look forward to reading more about your sleep training. When I was pregnant with my first child, I wanted to read that book. I never got a hold of it and think it was a God-thing for our family. We ultimately tended to attachment parenting with co-sleeping, extended breastfeeding and the whole nine yards. And I have to say, that our whole family has slept well. I've not woken not feeling well rested since my baby was about 8 weeks old unless there was illness. So, if a mama chooses to co-sleep, it can be done. For non-babywisers, the word, "sleep training" is difficult to understand. Here are some general questions I would love for you to expand upon to clear up confusion or misconceptions not for debate purposes, but because I am truly interested in understanding. 1) How long do you let a baby cry-it-out? Is there are period where it is too long? 2) What do you do when your baby is sick and wakes in the night? How does one not break the trained sleep habit, while tending to the baby's needs? 3) What do you do about growth spurts? Is there ever a point when the baby genuinely needs nourishment during the night? 4)When do you cuddle?

    Eventually, I reviewed BabyWise and found some worthwhile information. I really like the idea of eat, play, sleep and generally followed that principle with my second child. So, the questions I ask are probably addressed in some form in the book, but I'd love to hear more from your personal experience since you wrote you didn't follow every bit of advice presented by the authors. Utlimately, I think it comes down to what is best for the individual family and the parents. Thank you for sharing your journey and what you have learned. I look forward to reading more! ~Kim

  2. Was I that Mom, with a 4 month old named Case??

    Love this blog, and especially love this blog post! We should be paid for as much as we advocate this book! :D
